Lista de problemas resueltos por este usuario.

Problema Nombre del Problema Ranking Envio Lenguaje Tiempo Fecha de Envio
2568 Actions 00083º 16338667 Python 3 0.032 6/11/19, 1:24:06
2395 Transporte de Contêineres 00558º 16338446 Python 3 0.036 6/11/19, 1:00:30
1709 Shuffled Deck 00144º 16338347 Python 3 0.152 6/11/19, 0:50:26
2621 Amounts Between 10 and 20 05707º 16338229 PostgreSQL 0.004 6/11/19, 0:37:52
2686 ¡El Cambio Continúa! 00082º 16338197 Python 3 0.016 6/11/19, 0:34:30
2622 Legal Person 03518º 16317665 PostgreSQL 0.002 4/11/19, 10:21:22
2428 Capital 00061º 16317662 Python 3 0.032 4/11/19, 10:19:53
2427 Chocolate 00242º 16353472 Python 3 0.048 4/11/19, 10:03:39
2624 Number of Cities per Customers 01911º 16317605 PostgreSQL 0.002 4/11/19, 9:57:35
2620 Orders in First Half 03003º 16309487 PostgreSQL 0.002 3/11/19, 12:46:28
1615 Insatisfaction on Elections 00070º 16309368 Python 3 0.420 3/11/19, 12:03:40
2616 No Rental 06258º 16274556 PostgreSQL 0.002 31/10/19, 0:40:59
2874 Binary Phrase 00132º 16261315 Python 3 0.076 29/10/19, 23:32:05
2084 Boca de Urna 00118º 16250391 Python 3 0.056 29/10/19, 0:26:37
1414 World Cup 00096º 16250061 Python 3 0.080 28/10/19, 23:58:07
1989 Desperdiciando Tiempo 00159º 16249918 Python 3 0.208 28/10/19, 23:44:40
1875 Tribol 00286º 16231508 Python 3 0.040 26/10/19, 22:33:31
2868 Wrrrong! 00269º 16225017 Python 3 0.036 26/10/19, 11:35:47
2737 Lawyers 04650º 16224961 PostgreSQL 0.008 26/10/19, 11:22:32
2614 September Rentals 05519º 16224722 PostgreSQL 0.003 26/10/19, 9:59:07
2613 Cheap Movies 09904º 16209501 PostgreSQL 0.003 24/10/19, 23:32:54
2612 The Actors Silva 02572º 16200427 PostgreSQL 0.005 24/10/19, 9:33:11
2611 Action Movies 04599º 16200267 PostgreSQL 0.002 24/10/19, 8:21:38
1890 Putting Plates on the Tuk-tuks 00230º 16200258 Python 3 0.024 24/10/19, 8:19:26
2815 Stutterer Digitizer 00164º 16172715 C++ 0.000 22/10/19, 0:49:34
2610 Average Value of Products 07130º 16171481 PostgreSQL 0.002 21/10/19, 22:56:43
2609 Products by Categories 07164º 16171478 PostgreSQL 0.003 21/10/19, 22:56:09
1448 Chinese Whispers 01017º 16168498 C++ 0.036 21/10/19, 18:49:32
2606 Categories 06006º 16162729 PostgreSQL 0.002 21/10/19, 8:45:59
2605 Executive Representatives 12260º 16157214 PostgreSQL 0.003 20/10/19, 19:33:11
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